One tenth of a new century passes, a world warming now in
the sweeping cloth of democracy, its unequivocal legitim
acy, a mantra for capital on the airwaves, seeping into
the crevices, hiding under the tables in countries
we band together and name ‘developing’. 20
years ago, Francis Fukuyama hailed ‘the en
d of history’, the end of competing ideo
logies in the wake of a victorious libe
ral democracy, as the Berlin Wall fe
ll. Paul Virilio, come the year 200
0, contributes the end of geogr
aphy, as our hypermediated
world shrinks to the size of
a computer monitor. And
in 2010 David Cameron
comes to power and ta
kes it all to literally . . .
‘Fuck it,’ he says, ‘to hell with all the humanities.’
Myth: This time it's personal
***** 'OUTSTANDING!' - Total Theory Magazine
***** 'You'll never laugh so much!' - the Sun
Coming to a journal near you . . . (in the summer or something, maybe)
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