"Myth does not deny things, on the contrary, its function is to talk about them; simply, it purifies them, it makes them innocent, it gives them a natural and eternal justification, it gives them a clarity which is not that of an explanation but that of a statement of fact." says Roland Barthes

for barthes, myth is depoliticised speech, and as we can see here in his remarks, it amounts to a simplification of life through immediately part-prescribed messages beheld within signs. the post-ideological age is not upon us, but to what extent do we figure our ideologies to be products dependent on myth? the 60s hippie is a great example of a myth of a myth, for it is he through whom we visualise the hippie movement; it is he whom's very survival depends on the great myth of the 60s. is it not the hippie, as opposed to the anti-corporate anti-war rationale, that cartman despises so? with this in mind - to the quill!
...and other stories.
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